Wednesday, May 21, 2008

our ageing earth

She was trapped between 2 huge stone debris for 10 days. Only raindrops prolonged her life. The day she was rescued, the medic team diagnosed her with merely a crack in her thigh and a scratch on her face. This 60-year old woman cried in tears of joy mixed with endured pain. Imagine you lie down squeezed by 2 huge stones, unable to move left or right. Perhaps you can only move your fingers and mouth. And stay put for 10 days. Dare to?

I don't know how my body will react if i were in her situation; even half a day is a torture, let alone 10 bloody days.

This is but one morbid scenario in the aftermath of the deadly earthquake of 7.9 ritcher scale - only 1.0 less than that of Acheh - which totally wiped out the worst-hit Sichuan and killed to date 40,025 people and counting.

The quake is expected to trim China's soaring economic growth this year by at least 0.2 percentage points, lead to a one-month production stoppage and curb consumption in worst-hit Sichuan and neighbouring areas. The economic loss? About 67 billion yuan (RM31 billion).

How will this affect Malaysia?

After the US economy has been hit hard by its subprime mortgage crisis, and will likely fall into a recession, albeit mild, Malaysia has a cause for concern. The reason being, the US is Malaysia's main export market. So, when hopes are high for the US economic downturn to be offset by China's super robust growth, the China quake seems to steal the headline for the wrong reason.

And with the world oil price reaching a record USD130 per barrel, Malaysia should be more cautious and careful in its spending before it's too late.

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